Wednesday 7 February 2024
By Prophet Dr TB Bondera
Mark.5.20 – And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled.
Deliverance is an act when one is rescued from a certain situation and set free from bondage. Normally, this is a situation that one could not take themselves out of on their own. The most disheartening part of it all is that the person being delivered might have accepted the abnormal circumstances they are in as normal and might not realise the need for deliverance.
Do you know that you can stay in the same workstation for 20 years, occupying the same position that you may end up thinking that this is establishment? I know I am talking to someone who was born in a certain community, grew up there, got married in the same community, and is now raising his/her children in that same area. All your peers have moved to higher income residential areas with better facilities, and you, you are so comfortable in that same situation. You need deliverance, my child. Most of our comfort zones are actually zones created by the devil for us to never think of exploring the endless opportunities that God has placed before us.
The first thing that occurs when one has been delivered is a change of location, whether in the spirit or in the physical. Legion changed location from the tombs to the Decapolis the moment he was delivered. This means staying at one place or one position for too long could be a form of bondage. You need the help of the Holy Spirit to be able to distinguish the difference between establishment and stagnation.
John.5.8 – Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.”
I am coming out of bondage….!!!
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