Friday 13 October 2023
by Prophetess BN Bondera
Gen.47.27 – So the people of Israel settled in the land of Goshen in Egypt. And before long, they began to prosper there, and their population grew rapidly.
Goshen was part of the best pieces of land in Egypt. As mentioned in the attached scripture, it did not take long for these Hebrews to prosper and even to grow in numbers because the place was conducive.
But even though Goshen was a very good place to live in, it was not God’s plan or intention for Israel to stay there for good. At one time i thaught Moses was only supposed to advocate for equal rights and justice on behalf of Israel rather than push for a total depature from such a good place as Goshen where they had prospered and multiplied in numbers.
This is exactly what could be happening in someone’s life right now. You definitely know that what you are doing or where you are is not where you are called to be. Like Israel, you might be making a fortune and prospering while working in that area, yet God is waiting for you in your sphere of operation.
You know for sure that God called you to be a teacher, but for the sake of survival, you are now a metal worker, and it seems you are prospering in that field. But like it or not, you have to move out and start working towards what God called you to be.
Nomatter how prosperous Israel became in Goshen, they were always foreigners living under refugee terms. There was no possibility of them leaving Goshen as an inheritance to their children’s children. That’s what you may also become if you commit your lifetime to where God has not called you to be. A bad man who lives no inheritance.
Ps.47.4 – He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance, the proud possession of Jacob’s descendants, whom he loves.
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