Tuesday 23 July 2024
By Prophet Dr TB Bondera
Eccl.10.6 – Folly is set in great dignity, While the rich sit in a lowly place.
Today, I shall continue from where we left off the day before yesterday in our Prophetic Daily Devotional.
It would appear as if the devil and his agents have successfully conditioned the world to freely talk about anything and everything else besides anything to do with spreading the Gospel. Probably 99% of the stuff posted on the Internet on a daily basis contradicts the Word of God in every way possible, and yet the world is unmoved. It is not so much that the devil has really mastered the art of advancing his kingdom. On the contrary, it is so much about us Christians being docile and not being bold enough to talk about our faith.
In many cases, we are afraid to stand in defence or promotion of our faith. That is why it is easier for a Christian to post on their status a picture of secular music star or their favourite Hollywood actor than to post the picture of their spiritual parents in the LORD. It is even easier to post a flyer to promote a worldly event than to post a flyer promoting a church event. As Christians, we are afraid of what our families and colleagues will say if we post anything about our beliefs. The world today needs men and women who can stand before kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers of this world and declare the Word boldly. The world needs boys and girls who will stand and defend boldly their Christian faith on social media irrespective of the barrage of attacks that they may face.
Where are the Apostle Pauls of today who can stand before the Agrippas and Festuses of the world and speak boldly about their faith? Where are the youth of today who can stand up like Stephen and defend their faith even in the face of death.
The devil has dominated all the communication channels that we could have used for the furtherance of the Gospel, not because he is cleverer than Christians but simply because us Christians we have chosen to take a back seat or remained coiled up in our shells. Now is the time to push the Gospel a little bit more aggressively and robustly. And it starts with you and me.
Acts.26.28 – Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”
I shall preach the Gospel to anyone at any time..!!!
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